Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tumblr = Lot of Fun Stuff and Lots of Wasted Time from Your Life that You Will Never Get Back

Well, to start off, if you do not know what I am talking about, there is this blog site called Tumblr. It's a company that creates blogs for people so they can "follow" other people or "like" things or "reblog" them. Really neat idea! So I was looking for a blog site to publish some pictures and I joined Tumblr. It looks boring from the outside, but once you're in, it's like Narnia!
My blog was called and it was filled mostly with beach, ocean, surf, or Christian pics I have taken (not really) or reblogged. But I was wasting SO MUCH time on it! It was ridiculous! I would literally sit there on Tumblr for hours at a time every day.... or more. I was always staying up really late the day before the test or before class because I hadn't done some work. Well actually I still do, but I guess that's just normal high school work. My mom would always get really mad at me because I wasted so much time. So finally decided that I needed to delete it. The first feeling I had was sadness. I had spent months on this blog with over 1,000 posts (a.k.a. pictures). But then I was relived and was glad I got rid of the temptation to always go on.
Stupidly enough, a couple of months later, I got another one. Yes. I know. Big mistake. Not doing it ever again. Never. Ever. Again. Well I started it, and it lasted about a week or so until I decided I didn't want to waste my time all over again. So about 15 minutes ago, I deleted that one. That was one of the reasons I wasn't blogging very often a few months ago. Well now it's gone :) and I only have blogspot. On my other blogspot blog I posted some pics I have taken to replace Tumblr. Not as fun, but not nearly as addicting.