Thursday, August 9, 2012

Guatemala Missions Trip :)

Hola! This is Emily and my first time writing on the blog in a while. Here's just a (long) update of today and yesterday. Yesterday morning everyone woke up around 5:30-6:00 am to get ready for breakfast and devotional. Our large group loaded the cars with supplies for the pharmacy and for our trip this morning and I got the chance to call my parents before we left. This trip had so many delays on the way to the church. First something was wrong with our car breaks and so we had to stop to take a look. The decision was eventually made that the car was not in good enough condition to drive so everyone squeezed into other suburbans. Not much later they car I moved to had a flat tire that took some more time out of the day. The spare was put on and we were back on the road. Then the same car had another flat tired! They were fixed as well and so we continued on the trip. This was definitely some spiritual warefare and either God was protecting us from something or the devil just did not want us there today. When we finally arrived the clinic time was cut in half because of the vehicle troubles. We arrived and I was assigned to the Gospel sharing station. This is where the team talks about the patients' illness/pain, about their faith, and ask if we can pray for their pain or any other things going on in their lives. If they aren't already Christians, we present them with an evangecube to explain the Gospel. My translator Andrea and I were able to share Christ with a six-year-old. I thought that was really neat. At the end of the clinic, everyone packed up and were ready to head out until the same car with the two flat tires had a hole in one of the spares! Everyone called me a jinx because every car I had been in had had some probem. They got rid of three people because of the flat tire. I was apparently the Jonah of the trip so they threw me out of the car to avoid anymore problems. After that the funny thing is they never had another problem. The group arrived home for dinner and a group meeting. And that was the end of yesterday.
Today was sadly the last day of working in the clinic and everyone made the most of today. This morning Mr. Munhall taught on God's plans for us (Romans 8:28). Once the devotionals were finished everyone loaded up into the cars again for the trip to the clinic. It was about a two hour drive to the church where we are serving today and the car ride is always an enjoyable couple of hours. Except once again a car's engine had problems and needed work. Thankfully that didn't cause much of a delay. We were back on the road in about ten or so minutes later. Once we arrived at the church where the clinic would be, everyone helped unload the cars and set up for the pharmacy, the childrens ministry, and the Gospel sharing station. Everyone was quickly assigned to their stations. At first I worked with the children and they were just getting out of their classes when we arrived. When we walked by their classrooms they kept running from us for no reason. We played their little game of tag and they kept on running until they gathered round to watch us perform our worship songs. While we were dancing, those kid's faces lit up and they had the biggest and sweetest smiles on their faces. After everyone finished with their first station the group breaked for lunch. All week the lunches that was prepared for us have been delicious! Today we were served rice, tortillas, beef, and broth. The next stations were assigned and begun. I helped at the Gospel station the second half where we spoke to the patients with the help of the translators. I don't know exactly how many people were lead to Christ today, but I do know that one of the teenage boys helped lead a lady to Christ.
After the day were done at the church, the group drove back to the mission center. At the mission center, the men and boys left to go to a nearby church. They are still there right now. While they were gone, the women and girls had the privelege of hearing a lady named Kristina tell her story of being in a car accident and how that brought her closer to God. After we heard Kristina's story, we prayed over a friend. Then it was time for a game. Everyday we see women walking around with big baskets on their heads and towels wrapped around their heads to help balance the basket. We decided to take towels and try the same thing! It was pretty funny watching everyone trying to slowly making their way across the kitchen to the living room. Priya won and Lizzie got second. Then Mrs. Bull showed the girls her cowboy boots and everyone took turns smelling the boots. No, they were not smelly, it smelled like new leather and it smelled really good. I called my brother Josh too and left a voicemail. I really miss my whole family. That's about all for today. Tomorrow we will be going to the market and I think it will be really fun and exciting!
Can't wait! Emily :)) <3

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