Thursday, May 10, 2012


Oh. My. Goodness. Summer is almost here!!! It feels like this school year has flown! I don't think I've ever in my life been so excited for summer. This school year has definitely been the hardest, but I've managed to get through it. It feels like summer started last tuesday because dive practice started and the last day of one of our classes was yesterday. And the last day of all of school (except for math) is this monday. So excited!!!

This summer we'll still be really busy. So far my summer consists of: dive team, math, 2 or more vacations, gold rush (at Perimeter church), a missions trip to Guatemala, having plenty of sleepovers, and going to the lake. Those are for sure, but some things I possibly will do is: work in the YES crew (Camp All American), get a job, go on a camping trip, and...... I'll probably come up with more ideas later this summer. :) Sadly, one of the top things to do was to see the One Direction concert on June 26, but I'm going to be out of town. :( Well I can always wait until next year. Well I hope you all have a great summer!


  1. You are going on a missions trip?!! Take me with you!!! *kneels in begging position*

  2. you know what, I have another friend that is also going on a missions trip to Guatemala this summer. A medical one, I think. It'll be pretty funny if you're all on the same one! Is it a GO mission?

  3. Haha we're going with other worship kids and yeah, it is a GO mission. August 4th. I wish you could go! :)
