Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ballad: The Sprite

For our literature class, we were learning about ballads.

ballad |ˈbaləd|
nouna poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas. Traditional ballads are typically of unknown authorship, having been passed on orally from one generation to the next as part of the folk culture.
So our class had a "battle of the balads." Here is mine :) See if you can figure out what it means.

The Sprite

Shots of golden hue, I thought
Scared at first of what I saw
It was a dream, was it not?
This thought that came at midnight

Gone at once, this sight so new
The fiery golden shine
Throughout my mind, the thought flew
The thought of the gleaming sight

The flash returned, oh so swift
Flickering it’s spangled glow
Decorated like a gift
I alleged it was a sprite

Closer the shine fluttered
It had a look of pleasure
A tune it tried to utter
Those blue eyes shone with delight

The song seemed bright and merry
Until she skipped in panic
The melody was scary
And I was concealed in fright

If I could, I would have hid
That song nearly pierced my ears
But I woke before it did
Ending my dream from last night


  1. You had a dream at midnight in which you saw a sprite (fairy, pixie) that glowed brightly and had blue eyes. It sang a song for you that started out all happy until she got scared and then the song turned frightening. Just when you thought you couldn't bear the song any longer, you woke up.
    Do I get a prize? ;)

    That's really good, Em! I'm horrible at telling stories in poems.

  2. haha yes. congrats! you get a prize. how about a hug when you visit? :)
