Thursday, October 27, 2011

School, School, and More School!

Wow, when people told me that high school was a big step up, they weren’t kidding! Not that I actually go to a high school, (I’m home schooled) the work is just harder and more than what I’m used to. I probably shouldn't be complaining because everyone goes through this at one point or another, but it does give you something to write about, and writing about school made me think about something.
You always hear kids complaining about school, dreading every morning about how they have to wake up at six, wishing for a snow day to show up out of nowhere, and hoping their dog really does eat their homework. Yeah, we’ve heard all that and we’ve probably done all those things too (admit it, you have, too). But then I hear my mom say how all the kids receiving this fancy education or any kind of education have taken it all for granted and don’t appreciate school for what it’s worth.
She mentioned how people from all over the world come to America for their children to go to school hoping someday they will be successful in their career. Even these kids realize what a privilege it is. But one thing the children of America don’t think about is one question, and it may have never even crossed their mind: what if there were never such thing as school? At first, some might be thinking, “YES!” But if you really think about that for a minute it would hit you: you wouldn’t know how to do anything. Of course you would figure out the basics, 1 rock + 1 rock = 2 rocks, and how to communicate things such as, "I hunt bear. Big bear, I hunt," but you would never really know the meaning behind anything. To kids that probably wouldn’t mean much, but then they would realize there wouldn’t have their xbox in the living room, that new ipod they want for Christmas, their TVs they stare at for half the day, because no one would be able to make them because they never went to school to learn how things work.
Well, that is just a thought for the day. I hope I learn to appreciate school the way I should, and I hope others feel the same.


  1. GREAT post!!!! I don't have TOO much school right now but I'll definitely learn to appreciate it more!!

  2. Yeah I agree!!!! Love it, thanks!!!!
