Friday, January 13, 2012


     Wow I really haven't written in forever. So I guess I'll go back to Christmas. It was awesome! We had a great Christmas staying home with family, then we went to spend time the next day with our dad's side of the family. We exchanged gifts, ate food, talked, and some of us played with the little kids. I got quite a few gifts that I am sooooo excited about!!!!
     First of all.... I got my shoes!!!! Yes, the crazy one's I mentioned below.  And. (drumroll please) I. Got. A. Trampoline!!! Wow, I was so excited! I have wanted one since I was about eight years-old and had to wait six (long) years until.... finally, we got one! And they are still so much fun! Josh and I love jumping up and dow, doing flips, playing popcorn, and seeing who can bounce each other up the highest.
     The only thing is that it's no fun jumping in the freezing cold when you're huffing and puffing and your throat is dry and cold while the cold wind is stabbing at your skin..... not fun! Especially when the wind is so strong that it takes the trampoline all the way to the other side of the yard! Yes, it happened. But our very loving and helpful aunt and uncle moved it back and fixed the poles and netting that came undone.
     My goal was to be able to do a back handspring, but that's not gonna happen. With a 12 ft trampoline, there's not much space to do a ton of flips. So now my new goal to to be able to someday turn a front or side aerial. I can get my front walkover, but doing it without hands is a different story. Wish me luck!

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