Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games: Movie Review

Here are just some thought about the movie that I had after already seeing it twice!

They captured the idea of the book very well and thankfully there weren't too many graphic scenes, except for a time Cato broke someone's neck and killed him, Glimmer was just attacked by the tracker jackers and her face was gross looking (ew), there were times that people were stabbed or burned and it showed the wound which was kind of nasty, and at the end, blood was coming out of Cato's mouth and dripping down the sides of his face.
Although they captured the main events of the books, they left some scenes and details out. I really wish they had kept Madge in the book since she was the one who gave Katniss the mockingjay pin. And Gale hardly had any lines or scenes, but they will probably put him in the next two movies because he was much more involved in the others, especially the last.
I wish they would have let you get to know the characters better. I felt that when some people in the book died that I really liked in the book, it didn't have any effect on my in the movie. I hardly felt anything for the characters in the movie like in the book.

I know that just about every book that turns into a movie is never as good as the book, but my friends and I were thinking about the books that have been turned into movies and the quality of the movies. Like Narnia. Those movies turned out really well! And The Help. That was a great movie although I never read the book. Those were just some main thoughts that I wanted to point out. I hope the next few movies are better than the first!


  1. This is a good post, Emily. It sounds like you're taking a very balanced view.
    Are you going to read Narnia or not, anyway? ;) Especially since most exciting are the ones they haven't made into movies yet! Miss you!

  2. Thanks. Actually I have only read the first one, but since I have so much school reading, I'm trying to finish a long series, and about to start another, I don't know if I will.
